- AWS SaaS Boost: Provides organizations with ready-to-use core software elements for successfully running SaaS workloads in the cloud. Software builders can focus on preserving core intellectual property by removing the complexities of building SaaS solutions.
- Design pattern for multi-tenant SaaS application and Azure SQL Database
- rebar: Multi-tenant SaaS boilerplate + examples for universal web application with React, Material-UI, Relay, GraphQL, JWT, Node.js, Cassandra and other NoSQL DB.
- Multi-tenant Data Isolation Using PostgreSQl: An AWS Sample repo for AWS SaaS Factory.
- multiTenant Infrastructure explained: in Chinese but mixing MyBatis+MyCat not necessarily used by the West.
- ultimate backend: Multi tenant SaaS Starter kit with cqrs graphQL Microservice architecture, apollo federation, event source and authentication written in Typescript.
- Full Isolation in Multi-Tenant SaaS: with Kubernetes + Istio.
- The big NoSQL databases comparison: Overall coverage but you will need to use them to know the difference and intricacies.
- Data Framework for SaaS in GoLang
- Kubernetes Operator: to build multi-instance SaaS from Helm Chart.
- Learn to build Modern Full Stack Serverless Multi-Tenant SaaS Apps and APIs
- Fusing Serverless, Graph, AI, IoT, DeFi, Blockchain and Quantum Technologies
- CodeSandBox: Collaboration tool for developement team
- GraphQL: Query language for API
- gPRC: High performance Remote Procedure Call(RPC) framework connect service in and across data centers with pluggable support for load balancing, tracing, health checking and authentication; applicable in last mile of distributed computing to connect devices, mobile app and browsers to backend services. Also with a video to compare GraphQL, gPRC and REST.
- Next.js
- Turbo Repo: next-generation toolchain for frontend development, written in Rust.
- next.js examples: A full example list of front-end and backend development in next.js
- fullstackhero:Open source framework for modern web applications.
- Full Stack Modern Web Application Generator: use FastAPI, PostgreSQL, Docker, automatic HTTPS and more.
- Material UI: Pre-built React UI component to streamline frontend development process.
User Management
- Clerk: Integrate complete user management UIs and APIs, purpose-built for React, Next.js and Modern Web.
Payment & Revenue
- TRUELAYER: Easily integrate next-generation payments and financial data into any app.
- Stripe: Financial infrastructure for the internet.
- datasets: The largest hub of ready-to-use datasets for ML models with fast, easy-to-use and efficient data manipulation tools.
- MLFlow: Open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle. Also a video Standford MLSys Seminar Episode 2 explain MLFlow by founder of Databrick.
- ShinyApps: Bring ML model to production with speed to test your MVP. Also with an example app developed by my friend Eduardo, help you analyse how inspiring is your speech. Model bulit based on more than 2,500 TEDx speeches.
Free stuff
- Free Selfhosted Service: A curated list of selfhosted service from conference management, analytics and etc.
- Stack on a budget: A collection of services with great free tiers for developers on a budget.
Product Analytics & Market Research
- Amazon analytics to find top Amazon niches by keyword or criteria.
- Black box by Helium 10: Find high demand, low competition product ideas in every category on Amazon. Also with a short related article about how to do research before selling products.
- Amplitude: Best in-class product analytics and user event tracking tool.
- Mixpanel: Powerful, self-serve product analytics to help you convert, engage and retain more users.
Product Inspiration
- Progressive Web Apps: Capable, reliable and installable with a single codebase like Twitter.
- f8app: Source code of an event/conference management app with tutorial on how they build it with React, Redux, Relay, GraphQL and etc.
- Joplin: An open source note-taking/to-do app with syncrhonisation capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
- An open source scheduling tool to help you focus on meeting rather than making meeting. Product hunt ^
- Figmachine Convert a figma drawing to react code
Landing Page
- Landing Page Checklist: Build best landing page with 100+ hand-picked tools.
- Cruip: Free landing page resource for start ups from Cruip.
- TailwindUI: landing page templates and components made by makers of Tailwind CSS.
- daisyUI: a plugin for Tailwind CSS.
- Vite: Next generation front-end tooling enable to build landing page with react.
- Rytr: AI writer create high-quality content in a few seconds.
- Writesonic: AI Writer for copywriting.
Content&Image Generation
- Depyct: Build by the guy who inspired me to write this page.
- Rocket Lawyer
- SeedLegals: Cap tables, Term sheet...prep you to fundraise!
Inspired by Terry Lennon